Category Archives for "Blog"

2 How Dating Inspired My First Book

Once upon a time a boy met a girl. They had a couple of really nice dates that ended pretty well.  Then she met up with her old boyfriend and all of a sudden boy becomes yesterday’s news.   Now at first glance you’d think boy would be upset at this.  But the truth is […]

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Ten Things Every Writer Should Know in 2014

My friend PP (Real name ‘Pritesh’ – we call him PP because it winds him up) was chatting about his pants earlier this week.  When he called, I couldn’t figure out why he kept banging on about pants and a poor mobile signal caused an odd moment where I wondered if he was going to […]

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It sounds like several words mangled together but in actual fact Nanowrimo stands for ‘National Novel Writing Month’.   Every November this incredibly nutty organisation runs a month long challenge.  The challenge itself is to write 50,000 words of a book within 1 month. Despite the slight inaccuracy of the title (there are writers participating […]

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Great advice on finishing a book

Being in the middle of writing a book at this moment, I find like most writers the material beginning to sour.  Characters start to become uninteresting, scenes make no sense and I end up going off on tangents all over the place.  On the worst days, I stop writing completely and allow my inner demon […]

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