Category Archives for "Blog"

Site Ugrade in Progress

It’s time for a change. As such I Write, You Read will be undergoing a full design upgrade over the coming weeks.  It will remain live throughout this process whilst all the exciting functions, features and content are incorporated into the brand spanking new design. You can still read all the existing content and previous […]

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Short Stories – View them at

Two short stories I was commissioned to write on the theme of….Zombies….have been published at You can read “Z-Hour”  and “Guess Who’s Coming To Eat You For Dinner”   here.  There is one editorial mistake the site editor did not pick up on “Guess Who’s Coming To Eat You For Dinner” that is being corrected […]

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Will you pay to read the paper on your iPad?

I recently read the news that both The Sun and The Daily Telegraph (and now apparently, The Daily Mail) are to start charging users to view the content on their websites in the second half of 2013.  This has provoked a slew of negative feedback from some of the readership.  Considering the way we have […]

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