All Posts by John Allen

Ten Things Every Writer Should Know in 2014

My friend PP (Real name ‘Pritesh’ – we call him PP because it winds him up) was chatting about his pants earlier this week.  When he called, I couldn’t figure out why he kept banging on about pants and a poor mobile signal caused an odd moment where I wondered if he was going to […]

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It sounds like several words mangled together but in actual fact Nanowrimo stands for ‘National Novel Writing Month’.   Every November this incredibly nutty organisation runs a month long challenge.  The challenge itself is to write 50,000 words of a book within 1 month. Despite the slight inaccuracy of the title (there are writers participating […]

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Great advice on finishing a book

Being in the middle of writing a book at this moment, I find like most writers the material beginning to sour.  Characters start to become uninteresting, scenes make no sense and I end up going off on tangents all over the place.  On the worst days, I stop writing completely and allow my inner demon […]

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Site Ugrade in Progress

It’s time for a change. As such I Write, You Read will be undergoing a full design upgrade over the coming weeks.  It will remain live throughout this process whilst all the exciting functions, features and content are incorporated into the brand spanking new design. You can still read all the existing content and previous […]

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