The Beginning

Here you will find updates on the current projects I’m working on and my progress (or lack thereof) on each.

I am in the process of creating more content for the site and as it develops many more posts will appear on a regular basis.  Bear with me whilst I get to grips with the exciting art of learning to be professional and promoting your work. . . as well as communicating with the world at large and talking to people.

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I hope you enjoy your visits to the site and if you have any questions or feedback please don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

I have some exciting news to share very shortly about several projects I’m working on and in the next 48 hours you should be able to access some Valentine’s Day video content I’ve created especially for this horrible commercial holiday.  Though I admit I did have a lot of fun writing and shooting them and as they were personalised for some good friends of mine, I’m confident the reaction will be good.

If not you’ll be sure to find me in the A&E department of Wellington Hospital in London near where I live.

Let me know what you think as these videos also serve as examples of the kind of creative projects I work on and enjoy working on.

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