Happy New Year!
Is anyone else still feeling a little spaced out after the holiday season? I’ve already spoken to over 50 people in the last week who all said the same thing when I asked them how their holidays were; “All right I suppose.” Maybe Christmas is just for kids. Or maybe I was just talking to the wrong people. Nevertheless I was a bit bummed out when I heard this. Personally I had a great time, and considering 2014 was a bit tough for me I’m happy to brag about enjoying Christmas. Yet when I say this people look at me as if I’m the primary suspect in the murder of Santa Claus. They then sneeringly ask me “I bet you’ve made some New Year resolutions too haven’t you?” I disarm them by saying “No I haven’t”. They ask why not, and I tell them the truth: New Year’s Resolutions are f***ing stupid.
Why New Year’s Resolutions Are Stupid
1. They highlight your past failures
2. They keep you looking to the past and not to the present
3. They make you feel worse when you give up in February
4. They’re often unrealistic
5. It’s January and you’re still reeling from Christmas
6. Your family and friends might kill you for acting like an idiot because you’re struggling with that ‘new diet’ or ‘lack of nicotine’
I know it sounds depressing, but I find that if you really want to improve aspects of your life then you should make a realistic list of what you want to achieve and try and do one thing at a time. This doesn’t have to wait until January 1st. Also when you try to do too much at the same time, it results in you generally failing and then feeling worse. To prove my point, below are some of the top worst new year’s resolutions you can make.
The Top 5 Stupidest New Year’s Resolutions you can make in 2015
1. Lose weight
January’s cold (unless you live in Australia) and the last thing you want to do is go jogging in -1 temperatures. Also dieting in winter is stupid – your body needs extra carbs and protein to stop you from getting ill.
2. Get Pregnant
A friend of mine actually said this to me once and I thought it was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard – mostly because she wasn’t going out with anyone at the time.
3. Quitting your job without a plan
I’m a huge advocate for changing jobs if you find you’re not happy. However I’m not a big fan of people just quitting their jobs without having an idea of what they’re going to do next. Take my old friend ‘Terrence’ (not his real name). Terrence hated his job as a payroll supervisor so made the decision on January the 1st 2006 to quit. He did so the next day, but didn’t have a clue over what to do next. He panicked and took the first job that came up – a payroll supervisor at another firm. Have a plan man.
4. Go Travelling
Everyone goes on holiday. That’s not a resolution. It’s a fact.
5. Run the London Marathon
New Year = 1 Resolution
Joking aside, New Year’s resolutions can be really damaging to your confidence and self esteem. If you’re one of those people that thrives on them, than good for you! For the other 99% of us, (myself included) who struggle there is only 1 resolution you need to make in 2015.
Don’t make promises to yourself you can’t keep.